Thrift Shop
St. Martin's offers opportunities to our congregation and members of the local community to support our outreach programs and services through our thrift shop. We have a well-stocked secondhand store that sells "recycled" clothing and household goods at an affordable cost. Our thrift shop is part of our mission and vision to serve, care, and show forth the Light, Truth, and Reconciling Love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to our neighborhood.
As a traditional, neighborhood church, we use our thrift store to reach out to the neighborhood, along with our other programs, such as the food/pet pantry, choir, church suppers, fellowship, and healing ministry. Our outreach programs are all-inclusive and, we believe, are vital to achieving our mission goals.
We are an urban church in the South End of New Bedford, Massachusetts, which has a population of more than 100,000 with easy access to Route 195. Bordered by Fairhaven, Dartmouth, Freetown, and Acushnet, our community boasts excellent hospitals, medical professionals, schools, and businesses. There are two other Episcopal churches in New Bedford, one in the center of the city and the other in the North End, as well as a wide range of other denominational churches.
If you would like to learn more about our thrift shop and other community ministry programs, contact St. Martin's directly and speak with one of our staff.